Red woolen Jacket, c. 1600

This jacket is cut and constructed in a similar fashion to the Elizabethan Jacket.

The material is a heavy red wool, died a Venetian Scarlet red based on a recipe from the 16th century dye book, the Plictho.

The red was so saturated in the bright sunlight that it was hard to capture the correct color; the closeup of the neck (below) comes the closest.

The lining was a fine, tightly woven linen; the welts were a thin brown wool, and the buttons are reproduction 16th century buttons from Pewter Replicas

The jacket was hand-sewn with black silk and white linen thread. The buttonholes were stitched with red silk.

Under this jacket and petticoat, I am wearing a smock, a corset and a large roll.

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